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Discord Rules

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Our Discord rules are in place to ensure that every user can enjoy a safe and equal environment. To use our Discord, you must follow these rules at all times.

1. Respect Others

Always treat others with respect. We don't tolerate any attempt to personally attack, provoke or troll someone.

2. NSFW Content

We do not tolerate NSFW content of any kind on our Discord. This includes both in channels and in profile pictures or banners. For NSFW profile pictures or banners, we'll ask that you set up an server-specific profile to remove this content only for HavenSMP.

3. Mass Pinging

Do not mass ping any member of our Discord, including staff members. If you need to get in touch with us, opening a ticket is the best and fastest method of doing so.

4. No Doxxing/Privacy Invasion

Do not share another users' personal information. We consider 'personal information' any detail about the user outside the scope of Discord and what is publicly accessible by other users on the platform. We therefore also do not tolerate sharing links to another users' social media profiles unless they give express permission or they've chosen to link it on their Discord profile.

5. No Abuse/Bullying/Harassment

We do not tolerate abuse, bullying or harassment of any kind.

6. Hate Speech

We do not tolerate racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ+, or any other form of hate speech.

7. No Political/Religious Topics

Please avoid controversial topics such as politics and religion. While we primarily define these topics as controversial, we reserve the right to deem other subjects as such based on their context and the nature of the discussion.

8. Use Common Sense

While our rules may not cover every situation, it doesn't mean you can't be banned for it. We ask that you use common sense to guide your behaviour and always remain respectable towards others. We reserve the right to determine what constitutes unacceptable behaviour and will take necessary action, at our discretion.